Saturday, May 18, 2013

Home Remedies For A Cough

I think we have all had this at some point in our lives and it can quite possibly be one of the most annoying things. That tickling sensation in your throat and you have that dry, itchy, scratchy cough. It is no fun, that's for sure but don't worry by using some of these home remedies for cough you should be at ease in no time!

~ This is hard to believe but there are many people who swear that this really works. Rub Vix vaporub or an equivalent brand on your feet at night and then cover with socks. It's worth a try!

~ I have heard this one many, many times- tumeric. You can add it to your tea or mix it in warm water. Any way you could think of, it's suppose to be good. I have read it is also really good for a sore throat.

~ I'm sure we have all heard of this one, tea with a squirt of lemon and a dollop of honey. The honey really does help to coat your throat and the warmth from the tea brings it all together.

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I am not a professional Health care adviser. Please do not use any of these remedies to treat or cure a disease, you must see a health professional for better assistance.