Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep, inability to remain asleep, waking up too early, and the inability of getting enough sleep.
Sleep is a periodic state of rest for the body, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and mind. Sleep gives relief for tension and worry. Insomnia deprives a person of adequate rest and very often interferes with daily activities.
Everyone has insomnia at some point in their lives but if it persists and does not go away that can mean their is a problem and should be treated by a physician. Women tend to suffer from insomnia more often than men. I sometimes believe this is because of a few things, one being our chemical make up and the way we always are thinking and worrying about things, the kids, the family, money etc. My husband for example can lay down and be asleep in less than 30 seconds. That is unfathimable for me.
Here are some known remedies for insomnia.
Stick to a sleeping schedule~ A good insomnia treatment is to try sticking to a fixed sleep schedule. Going to sleep at the same time and waking up at the same time everyday can help with insomnia because your body gets into a routine. I have even noticed myself, that if I get up every morning at the same time for a long time, like when I was in high school, even on the weekends I would wake up right around the same time. That is because our bodies get into a routine and our "natural alarm clock" is activated.
Relax with lavender~ Certain smells have been proven to induce a state of relaxation, which can help some people get the sleep that they need.
Take a warm bath~ An hour or two before bedtime take a warm bath. This helps overcome the problem of insomnia because of the warming sensation, but timing is crucial with this one. Don't take a bath right before bed because it could be too stimulating and actually keep you awake rather than helping you fall asleep.
Get your exercise~ Exercise during the day and mild exercise at night can help insomnia because it stimulates the elimination of lactic acid from the body. I have even known women who would get up at eleven or twelve o'clock at night, because they couldn't sleep, and would go exercise. Some people find this very helpful in treating insomnia.
Get a heating blanket~ Two factors that induce sleep are, relaxing the muscles and increasing brain temperature, which is exactly what a heating blanket will accomplish. Try to get one with a timer though, and set it to turn off shortly after you fall asleep.
Have sex~ Have sex to naturally treat insomnia.
Meditate~ Meditation can do wonders for insomnia. Especially before bed, meditation helps to clear your mind and once again promote relaxation. Try taking a few deep breaths while closing your eyes and clearing your mind of all thoughts.
Have a snack~ Having a light snack before bed, with protein and sugar, increases brain neurotransmitters to help you sleep. Cereal and milk or a glass of milk and cookies is perfect. It is also said that a glass of milk helps to fall asleep.
One more thing to remember while trying to naturally treat your insomnia, is to not push it, or pressure yourself. This can be the worst mistake of all. Often times we think that we need a certain amount of sleep or we think that we are not going to be able to fall asleep, far before it is even time to go to sleep.
This apprehension can cause anxiety like feelings. I have experienced this for myself first hand. Having a young child to care for and knowing that I have to go to sleep the same time she does (at nap time) and be up when she gets up is terrible. Every time I put pressure on myself to fall asleep, even if I'm extremely tired, I can't ever fall asleep. So try not to think or worry about going to sleep. I know, I know, easier said than done, right? Just try! I hope that some of these home remedies will help treat your insomnia.
wow... I was so lucky I dont have insomia. But your article is really good for aiding insomia.
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