Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hangover Remedies

Hangover refers to the after-effects of consuming excessive alcohol. Mostly first time drinkers or occasional drinkers face hangover symptoms more than others who drink more often. Drinking too much or too fast is the primary cause of a hangover.

Everyone who has ever experienced a hangover from too much alcohol knows that they are no fun, to say the least. I have compiled some well known home remedies to help cure a hangover. Most of these home remedies are also natural cures. I opt for the natural cure before any other method.

So let's get right into it:

One of the best natural cures for a hangover is to increase your water intake, both the night before and the next day when you have the symptoms of a hangover. Have you ever noticed that after you drink a lot of alcohol you are really thirsty? You might even wake during the night from being so thirsty and dehydrated. Alcohol dehydrates your body and our body is made up of mostly water this can cause some hangover symptoms.Higher levels of water counter effects the alcohol levels in the body thus curing hangover.

Another really great cure for a hangover would be to increase the intake of Vitamin C. Consume fresh citrus fruit juice in large amounts in the morning to cure hangover.

Lime juice is also beneficial in treating hangover.In 8 ounces of water, add 2 tsp of lime juice and 1 tsp of sugar. Drink this mixture slowly sip by sip. It will help to relieve a a person from a hangover.

Another natural home remedy would be to consume about 1 tablespoon of honey
because honey has high levels of fructose it would be valuable in curing a hangover.

Something that would help to detoxify the body would be to take a hot bath. Try adding some aromatherapy bubble bath or candles around the bathtub to help with relaxation.

My final suggestion would be to eat before, during and after drinking or at least two out of the three. Food will help absorb the alcohol.

Always remember to drink safely and never drive or get in a car with someone after they or you have been drinking. I hope my suggestions help. God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. I've mostly beaten the hangover problem by....not drinking so much. But the lime and sugar seems interesting and worth a try should I ever be in the need. Why sugar though...?


I am not a professional Health care adviser. Please do not use any of these remedies to treat or cure a disease, you must see a health professional for better assistance.