Psoriasis is a disease in which the skin cells run amok. Normally, skin renews itself in about 30 days—that's the time it takes for a new skin cell to work its way from the innermost layer of skin to the surface. In psoriasis, that cell reaches the top in just 3 days. The result is raised areas of skin called plaques, which are red and often itchy. After the cells reach the surface, they die like normal cells, but there are so many of them the raised patches turn white with dead cells flaking off.
Psoriasis usually goes through cycles. Flare-ups most often occur during winter months. Psoriasis can disappear for months or even years, it can also improve or worsen with age. Pretty much, no one can say what will happen with your psoriasis, which is what makes it so frustrating.
Without a cause, there is no cure. But there are many things you can do to help keep your psoriasis to a minimum. Keep in mind, however, that what works for someone else might not work for you. You have to experiment with psoriasis remedies and decide what works best for you. Here are some home remedies for psoriasis you can try.
My #1 home remedy cure for psoriasis is turmeric(stuff in curry spice). It is an anti-inflammatory. It is also known to work even better mixed with green tea.
Drinking curry spice is not fun, but it works miracles (for a whole host of inflammatory problems including cancer and Alzheimer's).
If you really don't want to drink curry spice then you can also buy Turmeric from health food stores in a pill form or at your local grocery store in bags full (to save money) and take 3-6 pills 500mg daily. Or mix with tea or put in food.
Sweat-Eczema and psoriasis can be significantly reduced with exercise and diet. Work out in the sun and get a sweat going. The sweat will really help reduce the condition naturally and safely.
Cut the sugar-Eczema been linked to Candida fungus. When you eat sugars, it feeds the fungus which causes your body to 'overreact' or become inflamed. Your immune system attacks fungus around your entire body including skin.
Avoid sweets, gluten, dairy or foods with fungus to balance out your intestinal flora. Find out slowly how much sweets, etc you can safely eat without showing symptoms.
Epsom salts- Add a handful of these to your bath to help keep the swelling down and heal your psoriasis.
Mineral oil- This is another proven skin soother. Add some mineral oil to your bath and soak your aching skin.
Olive oil- Mix 2 teaspoons of olive oil with a large glass of milk and once again adding this to your bath water. Or if you have psoriasis on your scalp, massage warm olive oil on your scaly patches. It will help soften the dead skin and make it easier to remove.
Plastic wrap- After you cover your patches with moisturizer or prescribed medication, wrap them in plastic wrap to help hold the moisture in. Change the wrapping often.
Vegetable oil- Add a cupful of vegetable oil to your bath water to ease psoriasis.
Apply aloe- The gel from the aloe vera plant has been known for it's skin soothing properties and for helping the skin heal from wounds or burns. If you want to try aloe you can buy the plant in itself and break open the leaves, and smear the gel over your plaques. For larger areas or a more portable balm, you can purchase a bottle of pure aloe vera gel at many pharmacies or health food stores.
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